Monday, September 15, 2014

The NFL.... Morals...Society and What Will Really Happen

So after a weekend media circus on the AP story and a counter by Ray Rice both stories led where I thought they would. First,  let me say I have no use for ANY man that strikes a woman, a child or an animal.

Your a straight out coward.... no strike that you're a worthless little toad of a human being. With that said we live in a very cruel society and way way too many people continue to miss the cold hard facts here.

First it's not a "pro sports "issue. It goes on daily to regular everyday people. So why do some of you pull the shocked and disgusted crap on social media when Barbara your neighbor down the street is getting roughed up ? Please refrain from BS me about your morals, etc when from many other posts you don't practice what you preach.

Second the NFL is a business. It's not here for the moral compass of the US. It operates for the bottom line. The NFL will NOT change when the stands are full and the ratings went up not down from this.

Again many of the "outraged" and it's disgusting crowd were watching the packer game...tweeting or writing /working their respective blogs. Your "outraged" but what the hell I'll fill the NFL coffers nonetheless. Basically you want your cake and eat too. Spare us the drama and focus on the real issues.

Until the laws in this country change and society starts holding everyone equally responsible not just those in the spotlight then frankly your all wasting time and blowing hot air.

I challenge each of you who really care to take a day off... go to your local civil/family/state court day and see what really goes on around you. Maybe just maybe you get to understand this issue in real terms ...not in the glaring TMZ spotlight.

That's the long and the short of it.


Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sunday Morning Thoughts And Rants

Another Sunday and Monday is oh so close. This restless weekend makes me wonder if social media is really worth the hassle.
So many people use it to push their personal political and social views now I can hardly stand it at times.I need it for my website which in a couple weeks is something I can get lost in again.... I need football season so I can unwind a bit again.

Reading Jason Wilde this morning while touching enrages me. That women still need to get "skinny" for society and any man is insane. Nothing wrong with curves and really it's the soul of a women that you need to touch to get a true attraction.

This should not be happening anymore. The fact we still can't provide mental help to people without it being taboo is disgusting and every politician is to blame.

On that same kind of subject we have had a running discussion on health care at the forum. It dawned on me last night after a lengthy talk on litigation attributing to the cost of health care that most of congress are lawyers ! Including Obama himself ! No wonder they don't pass laws to prohibit frivolous law's professional curiosity to their fellow attorneys !

On a different note my 86 year old mother is moving closer to my sister. This mess has stirred up more bad family blood. I love my mom dearly but my relationship with my siblings is so fractured that when my mom goes someday I doubt we talk much if at all anymore.

Really tough summer and one I hope ends soon. Have a great week and take what the good lord gives you each day with a smile.

Blessings to all


Saturday, July 12, 2014

My place

By Mark

Started my own little blog just to have a place to vent and write my thoughts. It may not get any followers but it sure feels good !

Keep a lookout for posts on many subjects .

Thanks for stopping by !
